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1º Virgo: A traveling pilgrim leaning on his staff, which he holds in his left hand, addressing a small band of men & women. Denotes one whose early life is threatened by the elements and who will be compelled to endure sufferings, hardships, and trials as an atonement for remote past acts. If his destiny is to live, his destiny is to overcome, and he will be a wise instructor and guide to his fellow-men. It is a symbol of Repaying.
2º Virgo: A waning moon in a sky, half of which is clear and studded with stars, and half of which is covered with dark clouds which herald an approaching storm. Denotes one of considerable ability who, as his life grows older, will be plunged into difficulties and trouble. It is well for one born in this degree to study his actions and to be scrupulously cautious as to his plans and movements. He should avoid speculative ventures, guard against deceit and treachery, and do all that is possible to lead an even, temperate life. It is a symbol of Threatenings.
3º Virgo: A young woman working at a spinning-wheel by a cottage window, which opens on a smiling garden in which bees are flying amongst the flowers. Denotes one who is gifted with a sunny nature, patience, and the ability to labor hard and to endure. He will produce works of benefit and charm, and experience will expand his soul and teach him the truth which he values as a companion to beauty. It is a symbol of Persistency.
4º Virgo: A bookbinder fastening covers on a number of unbound books. Denotes one who spreads knowledge of some special nature whose position in life will be one of trust and responsibility. His mind is analytical and exact, and his actions are regulated by necessity and the acts of others. "Safe bind, safe find," is his motto, and carelessness does not enter into his nature. It is a symbol of Protecting.
5º Virgo: An artist working at a large piece of tapestry of charming design, which he has almost completed. Denotes one of a constructive and artistic mind, a lover of art, and quaint but picturesque philosophies; one who perceives the exquisite loveliness of an old garden, a moss-covered wall, a running brook, and nature's changing moods, and who is attracted to old-world lores. It is a symbol of Conservatism.
6º Virgo: A large ballroom in which men and women are dancing. Denotes one of light and free mind who allows nothing to oppress him. He meets with favors and enjoys gifts. He loves the beautiful in form and color. Scents and perfumes fascinate him. It is a symbol of Elegance.
7º Virgo: A man in ceremonial robes, with a circlet about his brow, holding the emblem of life--the Crux ansata--in the air. Denotes one who finds in the philosophies of the ancient masters the true knowledge of life, whose search for the truth is rewarded, and who, an consequence of his dread of doing wrong, has the power of drawing the greatness of right towards him. It is a symbol of Philosophy.
8º Virgo: A man, holding a pen in his right hand and a sword in his left, standing at the entrance to a palace. Denotes one of forceful and aggressive mind who presses onwards with energy and determination. His assertiveness will not easily be opposed, and in all his dealings with others he demands the answer to be "Yes" or "No," for to his mind there is no middle course. He will draw to himself great responsibilities and will ever be involved in argument and dispute. It is a symbol of Assertion.
9º Virgo: A sack of corn, from a hole in which the grain is falling out. Denotes one who through neglect and want of caution is likely to risk too much. To him speculation and gambling will only mean gradual ruin. He should be careful of his associations and dealings with other people, of his business transactions, and his manner of life. It is a symbol of Carelessness.
10º Virgo: A sibyl in a cave, seated on a tripod beneath which is a cloud of smoke. The leaves of fate are flying into the open air through the mouth of the cavern. Denotes one of a fatalistic mind who sees in the operations of nature, the actions of men, the habits of animals, and the growth of plants the direct manifestations of the Divine Mind; and who holds that what is laid down must ever be, for the Will of God cannot be changed, and man and nature are but allies in the fulfillment of it. It is a symbol of Fatalism.
11º Virgo: A king, seated in a chariot drawn by two stags, throwing coins to some peasants who are singing on the roadside. Denotes one who is born to honor and who will be esteemed for his goodness of heart and appreciation of effort. The position he gains by perseverance will enable him to do well for the world in many ways. He receives more than he gives, and for all he gives he receives blessings which carry to him a strong and subtle spiritual force which clings to him for eternity, whilst what he has given mixes with the elements. It is a symbol of Charity.
12º Virgo: A horseman holding with difficulty a rearing horse. Denotes one who is drawn into rash ventures and who will be forced to work hard to save those things truly his own. He may be too dependent on his strength, which he overtaxes, or on his resources, which he overstrains. The rising planet contains the warning. It is a symbol of Grappling.
13º Virgo: A large black cloud, around which are bright silver lights. Denotes one who will endure much sorrow and strange experiences. He is well and strangely gifted, and will leave his mark on the world. He should be cautious in his choice of companions, and should not allow fading, falling allurement, to threaten him on the way. It is a symbol of Tribulation.
14º Virgo: A torn document, old and crinkled, on which is a large black seal. Denotes one a conservative and old-world mind who talks little, but to the point. He will be out of touch with modem society, leaning neither to their teachings nor ideals. He will have struggles and hard climbs, and does not think enough of possessions ever to become wealthy. He holds what he possesses and lives quietly. It is a symbol of Conscientiousness.
15º Virgo: A radiant rainbow, in the centre of which is the sun in its brightness. Denotes a lover of nature in her grandeur, one of artistic, mystic, and philosophic mind, who will move about a great deal and travel to various places. He is capable of spreading the light of truth and of helping many to see and appreciate its marvels. This degree is a fortunate one and promises much. It is a symbol of Arising.
16º Virgo: A fire emitting flames of beautiful colour-blends. Denotes a thinker of thoughts, but slightly regarded by the mass of present-day earth men, who seeks for right, feeling the silent appeal of beauty and the cry of oppressed humanity. His is a deep, sensitive nature-poetic, romantic, and full of action. It is a symbol of Luminosity.
17º Virgo: An astrologer seated at a desk, his head resting on his left hand, judging a nativity. Denotes a student of the prophetic and curious arts who will command respect, one of skilled judgment and dignified bearing, devoid of pride and littleness. He will prove a trusted guide, especially to the masses, from whom he benefits. It is a symbol of Foreknowing.
18º Virgo: A man, supporting a little girl, swimming towards the shore in a rough sea. Denotes one whose mission it is to serve his fellow-men. He will perform acts which will win him approval and honor. Life will not be always smooth with him, and he will have his part of sorrow and pain in this world of matter; but ever near him are the protecting forces, and he cannot fail, no matter how fierce the waves. It is a symbol of Serving.
19º Virgo: A rough fire mountain, from several parts of which smoke is rising. On one of the slopes laborers are working. Denotes one who exercises patience and persistence in his life's work, and whose position is oft attended with much worry and personal danger. His soul is full of enterprise. He is magnetic, psychic, and extremely active. It is a symbol of Endeavor.
20º Virgo: A great grey warship with her decks cleared ready for action. Denotes one of pugnacious nature who forces his demands and ideas by sheer power of mind. He has strong magnetic force and knows when to use it. He travels much in search of adventure and gain, and holds the fruits of his labors. It is a symbol of Purpose.
21º Virgo: A man burning a will as he triumphantly looks towards another lying on a table. Denotes one of resourcefulness and determination who can be trusted to protect and safeguard his vital interests. Others, perhaps even amongst his own kinsmen, may interfere or attempt to interfere with the liberty of the native and prevent his free actions, and he may have to use craft to protect his rights and himself. It is a symbol of Finesse.
22º Virgo: Nymphs and fauns in the midst of Bacchanalian orgies in the woods. Denotes one of an artistic and sensuous nature who may be misled by the allurement of passion and desire. He is always a true friend, but may put his trust in the hands of those who are unworthy to hold it. He should be careful lest the awakening brings suffering. Under certain horoscopical conditions this degree can denote one of an entirely opposite nature, but with it there is always some degree of binding. It is a symbol of Seduction.
23º Virgo: The Virgin Astraea, with bandaged eyes, being led away by the angels from the world flooded with blood, misery, injustice, and crime. Denotes one of a refined and sweet nature who keenly feels the wickedness of this wrongly taught world, which would be God's own paradise were men fair and kind to one another. The native should not allow others to lead him into speculation or any form of gambling or chance. He is ideal in thought, and seer enough to see what might have been. It is a symbol of Sympathy.
24º Virgo: A colossal giant holding a woman in his hand. Denotes one who may become vain of his earthly power and may use it for purposes which can be of no real benefit to him and no real gratification. Suffering may force him to hold himself in check and to understand that" he who conquers himself is greater than he who conquers a kingdom." It is a symbol of Violence.
25º Virgo: A man, from whose forehead streams a dazzling white light, passing through a fiery valley, at the end of which are beautiful lawns, flowers, and trees bathed in brilliant sunlight. Denotes one of an affectionate, hopeful, and sincere nature who endeavors to do by love alone what others are attempting to do by force. Gifted with a will of strength, he is able to resist and subdue all the demons which rise against him; thus is his spiritual nature uplifted, and he is inspired and helped from occult sources. He will have struggles in life and difficulties which seem insurmountable, but he knows he will overcome them, and he overcomes them all, for they are but sent to teach him what world-life is and what it may be. It is a symbol of Overcoming.
26º Virgo: An antique temple of the Muses built on a rock, over which flows an enchanting fall of clear sparkling water. Denotes one who would seek the ideal in all things, even amidst the hell of war and the fires of destruction. One of a strange, happy, though wise philosophy of thought. He is a votary of art, music, culture, and all uplifting studies. It is a symbol of Cultivation.
27º Virgo: A newspaper critic seated in a theater watching a performance. Denotes one of a quick and critical mind who is gifted with powers of observation and discrimination He is able to turn points to his advantage, and does not hesitate to push forward with energy and activity to gain his desires. It is a symbol of Keenness.
28º Virgo: A gang of stevedores loading a vessel with product. Denotes one who works hard and denies himself much. He is entrusted with delicate missions and satisfactory commissions. Work to him is prayer, and he never grumbles at its demands. It is a symbol of Labor.
29º Virgo: A crescent moon shining with especial brightness in a blue, star-crowded sky. Denotes one of some especial genius and extremely artistic who is restless under restraint and who loves to roam about. He roams for a purpose and not for idle pleasure, for this native never idles. He has great faith and obtains recognition and success. It is a symbol of Brightness.
30º Virgo: A heap of bright yellow oranges blown from the tree by the wind. Denotes one who suffers much deceit and whose hopes are threatened. Himself of a sincere and spiritual nature, he dislike, to find fault with the actions of others, and he goes his own way whether they hurt him or no. Fate is strong in his life, and he is forced by circumstances to accept its ruling. It is a symbol of Circumstances.
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