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Quadrantine Lunation. An ill-advised term sometimes applied to the conjunctions, squares and oppositions of the Sun and Moon. Quadrants. The four quarters of the Celestial Figure, representative of the four quarters of the heavens, measured from the cusps of the four angular Houses. The oriental quadrants consist of Houses X to XII inclusive, and IV to VI inclusive. The occidental quad- rants, of Houses I to Iii inclusive, and VII to IX inclusive. If applied to the Zodiac the oriental quadrants arc from Aries to Gemini and from Libra to Sagittarius inclusive, the occidental quadrants consisting of the opposite Signs. Confusion will be avoided if the term be applied only to the Houses of the geocentric Figure. v. Oriental. Quadrate, or Quartile. A 90º or Square Aspect (q.v.). Quadratures. The Moon's dichotomes (q.v.) Quadrupedal. The four-footed Signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, all of which represent quadrupeds. Those born when these ascend were said by the ancient astrologers to have the qualities of such animals: as bold as the lion, or as lustful as the goat. Quadruplicity. The four signs which have the same quality; either cardinal, fixed or mutable. v. Signs. Quartile. A 90º, or Square aspect. (v. Aspects.) Querent. Employed in Horary astrology to indicate the one who asks the question. Quesited. Employed in horary astrology to indicate the person or thing that is the subject of an inquiry. Quincunx. An aspect of 150°, or five Signs of separation. v. Aspects. Quintile. An aspect proposed by Kepler, consisting of 72 degrees, or one-fifth of the circle. The Biquintile is 144°, or two-fifths of the circle. A Decile is 36°, or half a Quintile. It has not been universally adopted. v. Aspect. Top of Page