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Day. The interval of time between two successive passages of a star over the meridian is a Sidereal day 23h, 56m of mean solar time). The interval between two successive passages of the Sun's center over the same meridian is a solar day (24 hours); of the Moon's center a lunar day (24h, 50m). In old astrological texts the Lunar Day refers to the day of the Full Moon. Because of the Earth's motion in orbit the mean solar day is 4 minutes longer than the sidereal day and because of the Moon's daily motion in orbit the lunar day is 50 minutes longer than the solar day. The term natural day is a misnomer, loosely applied to the 24-hour period of the Earth's rotation. The mean solar day becomes the civil day when reckoned from the hour affixed by law. In most countries this is from midnight to midnight. With the Hindus and Babylonians it was from sunrise to sunrise; with the Athenians and Jews from sunset to sunset; with the ancient Egyptians and Romans at midnight. This is divided into 24 hourly divisions from 1 to 12 noon, and 1 to 12 midnight. Army and Navy time during recent years has been largely superceded by numbering the hours straight through from 0h at midnight to 24h of the next midnight; which also is 0h of the next day. Astronomical Day. Until January 1, 1925, this day was reckoned as beginning 12 hours later than the civil day. Now all calendars and almanacs begin the day at midnight. Julian Day. On January 1, 1925, the astronomical day was superseded by the Julian day, numbered consecutively beginning from 4713 B.C. To avoid confusion in the comparison of ancient and modern dates the Julian day was made to begin at noon, twelve hours later than the civil day. January 1, 1934, was J.D. 2,427,439. Civil Day. The civil day begins at midnight at 180 east or west from Greenwich. It then continues one hour later with every 15° of the Sun's westward travel. Thus when one passes this International Date Line he begins a day that will not end until 24 hours later, with the result that when it becomes Tuesday to the west of the Line it has just become Monday to the east thereof, and circumnavigating travelers gain or lose a day according to their direction of travel; losing a day if westbound, gaining it when eastbound. Loosely speaking, a day is the period of light between sunrise and sunset, the period of daylight or sunshine. In the Far East it is the distance that can be traveled in 24 hours. In astrological parlance a Day Horoscope is one cast for a birth moment in which the Sun was above the horizon, hence in one of the Houses numbered from 7 to 12; a Night Horoscope one in which the Sun is below the horizon, in a House numbered between 1 and 6. Day House. v. Ruler. Day of Week, to determine v. Dominical Letter. Daylight Saving Time. v. Time, Daylight-saving. Day Triplicity. Older authorities deemed that in the daytime some planets are stronger when posited in Signs of a certain element; i.e. Saturn in an Air-Sign, the Sun in a Fire Sign, Mars in a Water Sign, and Venus in an Earth Sign. Debility. An embracive term, preferably applied to any planet disadvantageously placed by virtue of its House position, but frequently employed loosely as a synonym of Detriment. Decade. Ten consecutive years; any grouping of ten. Decanate, Decan. A term applied to a subdivision of Sign into 10° arcs, referred to as the first, second and third decanates or decans. The interpretation of Decans is based upon a system of rulerships, of which there are two in common use. One method ascribed Mars to the first Decan of Aries and thence carried a fixed series throughout the 36 Decans, ending again with Mars ruling the third Decan of Pisces. The series is Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter; as follows: | First Decan | Second Decan | Third Decan | Aries | Mars | Sun | Venus | Taurus | Mercury | Moon | Saturn | Gemini | Jupiter | Mars | Sun | Cancer | Venus | Mercury | Moon | Leo | Saturn | Jupiter | Mars | Virgo | Sun | Venus | Mercury | Libra | Moon | Saturn | Jupiter | Scorpio | Mars | Sun | Venus | Sagittarius | Mercury | Moon | Saturn | Capricorn | Jupiter | Mars | Sun | Aquarius | Venus | Mercury | Moon | Pisces | Saturn | Jupiter | Mars | The other method employs the Ruler of the Sign as specifically the Ruler of the First Decan, with the Second and Third Decans associated with the Rulers of the other two Signs of the same triplicity. Thus the First or Aries Decan of Aries is ruled by Mars; the Second or Leo Decan, by the Sun; and the Third or Sagittarian Decan, by Jupiter. This gives this series:- | 1 | 2 | 3 | Aries | Mars | Sun | Jupiter | Taurus | Venus | Mercury | Saturn | and so on. Decatom: a Dichotome (q.v.). Decile: v. Quintile. Declination. The manner of indicating distance N. or S. of the Celestial Equator. The maximum possible declination of the Sun is 23° 28' which occurs at the Solstices, when the Sun passes the Tropics (0°) of Cancer and Capricorn, the limit of the pole's greatest inclination from the plane of the Earth's orbit. The first degrees of Aries and Libra have no declination, since at these points the ecliptic intersects the equator. However, planets at this longitude may have declination. (v. Celestial Sphere.) The declination of a body whose longitude and latitude are known is found by this formula: 1. Radius (10,000): Tangent of Ecliptic (23° 27'):: sine of longitudinal distance from equinox: tangent of Angle A. 2. Cosine of Angle A: cosine (latitude plus/minus 90°- minus Angle A):: cosine of Ecliptic Obliquity (23° 27'): sine of the Declination. (In this equation the latitude is taken from go, if the latitude and longitude are of different denomination; but when of the same denomination they are added, and from this sum Angle A is subtracted.) The Moon, Mercury, Mars reach a declination of 27° north, and on rare occasions Venus reaches 28°. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have practically the same declination as the Sun. Decreasing or Increasing in Light. From the New to the Full Moon the Moon is increasing in light, and from the Full to the next lunation it is decreasing in light. In a Figure measured from the Sun position, if the Moon is less than 180° counterclockwise from the Sun it was waxing, or increasing in light; if less than 180° clockwise from the Sun it was waning or decreasing in light. Although generally applied to the Moon, it is also applicable to any planet when passing from an opposition to a conjunction with the Sun. It usually occurs when approaching the Sun in the order of the signs; but Mercury and Venus, after they have reached their greatest elongation East or West and are retrograding toward the Sun, decrease in light against the order of the signs. It is generally accepted as weakening the planet's influence. Decumbiture. Literally, a "lying down." A horary figure erected for the moment when a person is taken ill, wherefrom to judge as to the possible nature, prognosis and duration of the illness. Deductive Type. Referring to a certain quality or habit of mind that characterizes those born when the Sun was in a Mutable sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. v. Signs. Deferent. In Ptolemaic astronomy, an imaginary orbit pursued by a celestial body, around which another body moved in an epicycle (q.v.). A deferent was employed in conditions wherein the natural motion of the body was not involved. The term reflects the fact that Ptolemy was ignorant of the Earth's motion. Degree. One 360th part of the circumference of a circle. The rough measure of an angle of one degree is the apparent diameter of a dime held at arm's length from the eye. The apparent diameter of the Sun and Moon is about 0.5°. The longest dimension of the bowl of the Big Dipper is about 10°. A degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes of arc. The length of a degree of latitude on the Earth's surface increases from 68.71 miles at the equator to 69.41 miles at 90°. The length of a degree of longitude on the Earth's surface varies from 69.65 miles at the Equator to 53.43 at 40°. Degrees are equally applicable to the Zodiac or the Ecliptic. As a time unit it is applicable to the Equator thus: Degress of Arc | Hours and minutes of time | 360° | 24 h. | 30° (1 Sign) | 2 h. | 15° | 1 h. | 1° (60') | 4 m. | 1° (60') | 4 s. | Degree Rising. The degree of the zodiacal Sign posited on the Ascendant (q.v.), or cusp of the First House at birth, and generally considered the most important in the Nativity. The rising degree is based upon the exact moment of birth, or of the event for which the Figure is cast, and the correct geographical latitude and longitude. Should either factor be unknown the Figure is usually cast for sunrise, which places the Sun's degree upon the horizon, resulting in what is termed a Solar Figure. As it is based only on the Earth's apparent motion around the Sun some authorities term it a Heliard Figure. Degrees, Individual. Several works, symbolical, speculative and statistical, treat of influences presumed to repose in certain individual degrees. Maurice Wemyss in the four volumes of his "Wheel of Life" even introduces some hypothetical and as yet undiscovered planets to account for certain qualities and effects. It is probable that many of the qualities ascribed to individual degrees have to do with sensitive points created by Eclipses, major conjunctions, or a close conjunction in both longitude and latitude between a solar system body and a fixed star, which points are accented by the transit of another planet at a later date. For ready reference a list of such points is arranged in a zodiacal sequence, which includes: (1) the degrees created by important stars, nebulae and clusters; (2) the planets' Nodes; (3) the points of the planets' Exaltation and Fall; (4) the major planetary conjunctions from 1940 to 1946 inclusive; to which others can be added at will from the Ephemerides; (5) Solar Eclipses, from 1940 to 1946, inclusive; and (6) such other degrees which from experience appear to exert a decisive influence. Individual Degree Tables (in following articles) The stars listed in these tables of Individual Degrees are located as of 1925. To adjust them to other dates add 5O 1/3" of longitude for each year later, or subtract for each year earlier. (Apolo's Note: for 2003, 78 years later, this gives an addition to make of 65.4333', ie 1º5', or approx. 1.1º.) The ancients ascribed names to the various stars, and many of these names are still in use. In 16O3 Bayer devised a more scientific system whereby the stars in a constellation are known by the name of the constellation to which they belong, the individual stars within the constellation known by Greek letter prefixes, according to size, beginning with the largest as Alpha, and continuing downward to Omega. The system is still in use, except for the telescopic stars, of which a million have been classified, and these are identified by a catalogue number. The sequence of the data on the Fixed Stars, supplied in the following lists, is as follows: Longitude, Latitude (magnitude) (where specified - for the fixed stars etc.), popular name, astronomical designation, description (Nature according to Ptolemy - with additions by Alvidas - and others) and its astrological significance. The interpretations given are mostly from ancient authorities, who apparently were inclined to place undue stress upon the direful. To see these tables, v. Degrees, Individual, Aries; Degrees, Individual, Taurus, etc. etc..... Degrees, Individual, Aries (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Aries 0°.....A positive nature that creates its own destiny. Cusp of First Lunar Mansion, a so-called Critical Degree. 1°.....Degree of the Surgeon; an organizer. 1°14', 20° 48'S (2) Diphda, Beta Ceti. A yellow star in the Whale's Tail. (Saturn - Mercury Mars) Sickness, misfortune, compulsory changes, self-destruction by brute force. 1° 50'.Mars-Jupiter conj.: January 6, 1940. 2°.....Degree of abscesses; literary and poetic. 3°.....Birds and aviators; collisions; goitre. 4°.....Cruelty. 5°.....Unsatisfied ambitions. 6°.....Jaundice. 7°.....Degree of life and death 7°51', 12° 36'N (3) Algenib. Gamma Pegasi. A white star at the top of the wing of Pegasus. (Mars Mercury)Notoriety, violence, the pro- fessional beggar. 8°.....Degree of courage; immorality. 9°.....Triumph; great generals 10°....Spiritual triumph; scientific interests; a degree of electricity. 11°....Spiritual intuitions. 12°....Cusp of Second Lunar Mansion. 13°....Degree of the Physician; of food and drink. 13°24' 25° 41'N (2) Alpheratz, alpha Andromedae. A double star, purple-hued white, in the hair of Andromeda; often called Andromeda's head. Its name, from Al Surrat al Faras, or The Horse's Navel, indicates it was formerly listed in the constellation Pegasus. (Jupiter Venus - Mars) Riches, horrors, independence and a keen intellect. 14°....Degree of apoplexy or suicide. 15°....Persuasive oratory; public life. 16°....Children. 17°....Oratory. 18°....Mental fertility and physical passionateness. 19°....Exaltation of Sun: Fall of Saturn; a Fortunate Degree. 20°....Abscesses; accidents; electricity. 20°50' 20° 20'S (3 1/2) Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, the Whale's Belly. A topaz-yellow star. (Saturn) Enforced migration, accidents; shipwreck, with rescue. 21°....Hope; artistic. 22°....Music. 23°....Philosophy. 24°....Literature; travel. 25°....Cusp of Third Lunar Mansion; exploration and discovery. 25°42' 5° 22' N (4) Al Pharg, Eta Piscium, associated with the Greck Head of Typhon. A double star near the tail of the Northern Fish. (Saturn Jupiter) Determination, preparedness, and eventual success. 26°....Degree of tuberculosis of the lungs; of opposition and strife; militant leaders. Great soldiers are found on this Aries- Libra axis. 26°15'.Mars-Saturn conj.: February 11, 1940. 26°43' 33° 21'N (Neb.) Vertex, 31m Andromedae, the great nebula N. of Andromeda's head. (Mars Moon) Eye weakness or blindness, violent death. 27°....Tenacity of purpose; hair; Mars in this degree indicates red hair. 28°....Power to realize a lofty ideal. 29°....A prophet of a new order. 29°17' 25° 56'N (2) Mirach, Beta Andromedae. A yellow star in the Zona (girdle) of Andromeda. (Venus - Mars Moon) Beauty, love of home, brilliant mind, fortunate marriage, renowned for benevolence. Degrees, Individual, Taurus (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Taurus 0°.....Powerful in combining old principles in new applications. 1º.....Magic. 2°.....Degree of plot and strategy. Important degree in nativities of great military generals. 2°5' 8° 29'N (3) Sharatan, beta Arietis. A pearly white star on the Ram's North Horn. (Mars Saturn) Unscrupulous; defeat; destruction by war, fire or earthquake. 3°.....Exaltation of the Moon; a fortunate degree. One accustomed to the exercise of authority. 4°.....Founder of a sect; the seat of law. 5°.....Occultist, healer; hermit. 6°.....Degree of many enemies. 6°32' 9° 58'N (2) Hamal. Alpha Arictis. A yellow star in the Ram's forehead -- the "following horn." (Mars Saturn - Venus Saturn) Cruelty; premeditated crime. 7°.....Determined and resourceful. 8°.....Cusp of Fourth Lunar Mansion. A critical degree. 9°.....Neurasthenia. 9°6'...Jupiter-Saturn conj.; February 15, 1941. 10°....Architecture (10° - 12°). 11°....Experimental scientist. 12°....Air pressure and gravitation. 12°30'.Jupiter-Saturn conj.: October 20, 1941. 13°....Circulation of money: unfortunate for marriage. 13°7' 27° 48'N (2) Almach, Gamma Andromedae. An orange, emerald and blue binary or ternary star in left foot of Andromeda. (Venus) Eminence; artistic ability. 13°12' 12°35'S (2V2) Menkar, alpha Ceti. An orange star in the Whale's jaw. (Saturn - Venus Moon - Mars) Injury from wild beasts; loss of fortune. 14°....First point of stabilization; a fortunate degree; religious nature. 14°27'.Jupiter-Saturn conj.: August 8, 1940. 15°....Growth; music. 16°....Painting; influential in organizations. 17°....Appendicitis. 17°14'.Mercury North Node. 18°....Leader of a party. 19°....Self-made man. 19°8'..Mars North Node. 20°....Cusp of Fifth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree; oratorical. 21°....Water travel. 22°....Success at any cost. 22°18'.Mars-Saturn conj.: February 22, 1942. 23°....Patient in toil. 23°5' 40° 22'N (cl) Capulus, 33 Uranus vi Persei. A double cluster in the sword-hand of Perseus. (Mars Mercury) Defective eyesight. 24°....Poet and recluse. 25°....Autocratic and unscrupulous; death of partner; a bad reputation. 25°3' 22° 25'N (v) Algol, Beta Persei. A white binary and variable star, marking the Medusa's head held in the hand of Perseus. (Saturn) Said to be of a violent nature, the M.C. directed to this position arousing mob violence and murderous tendencies, which dispose toward a tragic end. It is reputed to be the most malefic of the stars. Conjunct the Sun, Moon or Jupiter it gives victory in war. 25°34'.Jupiter-Uranus conj.: May 8, 1941. 26°....Fortune by marriage. 26°38'.Mars-Uranus conj.: March 1, 1942. 27°....A fortunate degree; steadfast; fortune through employment 28°....Literature; powerful will, and organizing ability. 28°52° 4° 2'N (3) Alcyone, Eta Tauri. A greenish yellow star; the brightest of the Pleiades, representing one of the seven daughters of the nymph Pleione, by Atlas, who by Neptune became the mother of Hyreus. The names of the other six are Maia, Electra, Taygeta, Sterope (or Asterope), Celano, and the invisible, or "lost" one, Merope, who concealed herself from shame at having loved a mortal. That Alcyone was at one time presumed to be the center of the Milky Way Galaxy indicates that the ancients may have visualized Atlas as resting on this point while supporting the Earth on his shoulders. (Mars Moon) Eminence; if conjoining Sun or Moon - accidents to face, or blindness from smallpox; a strong love nature. 29°....Degree of fate; favored by fortune; a dramatic area; a famous actors' degree. 29°19'.Saturn-Uranus conj.: May 3, 1942. Degrees, Individual, Gemini (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Gemini. 0°.....Degree of draftsmanship (also 1° and 2°). 2°.....An ambassadorial degree. 3°.....Exaltation of Moon's North Node: a point of spiritual illumination. Cusp of Sixth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree. 4°.....Degree of aviation; of mental stability. 4°41' 5° 44'S (4) First of the Hyades, Gamma Tauri (Saturn Mercury - Mercury Mars) Contradiction of fortunes; injuries to the head by instruments; impaired eyesight. 5°.....Degree of quiet fortunes. 5°8'...Mars-Uranus conj.: January 16, 1944. 6°.....A degree of brilliant intellectuality; of expression in language. 7°.....Degree of cantankerous irritability. 8°.....Ascendant and Uranus in U.S. horoscope. 8°40' 5° 28'S (i) Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri. The Watcher of the East; the Bull's Eye. A red star, the brightest of the Hyades, a group of seven stars called "Weepers" because when they rise or set heliacally they were anciently supposed to bring rain. The Sun conjoins them during the latter days of May and the beginning of June. (Mars - Mercury Mars Jupiter) Said to have rulership over hands and fingers, and when afflicted to be conducive to pneumonia. In conjunction with Mars or Saturn, or either luminary, it was said by the older astrologers to presage a violent death. It is rendered increasingly malefic by the opposition of Antares in 8°39' Sagittarius. 9°.....Degree of homicide; elevation through partnership or marriage. 10°....A Fortunate degree. 12°....A degree of hope realized. 13°....Degree of accidents to wheeled vehicles; of imitation and acting. 13° 43'Uranus North Node. 14°....Degree of dumbness from impaired speech organs. 15°....Inheritor of a home. 15°43' 31° 8'S (1) Rigel, Beta Orionis. Orion's left foot. (Jupiter Mars) Preferment, riches, great and lasting honors. If culminating: great military or ecclesiastical preferment. 16°....Cusp of Seventh Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. A degree of sleep and trance. 16°11'.Venus North Node. 16°20'.Mars-Jupiter conj.: April 3, 1942. 16°53'.Mars-Uranus conj.: August 17, 1945. 17°....A degree of homicide. 19°50' 16° 50' S (2) Bellatrix, Gamma Orionis. (Mars Mercury) Said to confer military and other honors that end in disaster. Conjoining Sun or Moon, blindness. If culminating: a forger or swindler. 19°54'.Mars-Saturn conj.: March 7, 1944. 20°44' 22° 55'N (1) Capella, Alpha Aurigae; Hircus, the Goat. (Mars Mercury) When culminating: said to confer martial or ecclesiastical honors and riches, attended by waste and dissipation. It is too far north to conjunct Sun or Moon, or to rise or set. 21°16' 23° 37'S (2) Mintaka, Delta Orionis. Slightly variable double star, brilliant white and pale violet, in Orion's belt. (Saturn Mercury - Mercury Saturn Jupiter) Good fortune. 21°27' 5° 23'N (2) El Nath, Beta Tauri. (Mars) Eminence. 21°55' 28° 42'S (Neb) Ensis, 42m Orionis. (Mars Moon) Blindness or defective sight; illness; violent death. 22°....Degree of Literature. 22°22' 24° 32'S (2) Alnilam, Epsilon Orionis. Bright white star in the center of Orion's belt. (Jupiter Saturn - Mercury Saturn) Confers fleeting public honors. The three stars in Orion's belt, when in the Midheaven of a nativity are said to confer signal honors. 23°....Faith: a military degree; also affecting the spine. 23°40' 2° 12' S (3) Al Hecka, Zeta Tauri. (Mars - Mercury Saturn) Violence, malevolence, accidents. 25°....Degree of neurasthenia. 27°27' 66° 5N (2) Polaris, Alpha Ursae Minoris. A topaz-yellow and pale white double star, in the tail of the Little Bear, and marking the celestial pole. It is now 1°14' distant from North Pole, but in 2095 it will reach the nearest distance, 26'30". The pole has been successively marked by Alpha Lyrae (Wega), c. 12,200 B.C.; Tau Draconis, c. 4500 B.C.; and Alpha Draconis, c. 2700 B.C. It will be marked by Gamma Cepheis, c. 4500 A.D., Alpha Cephei, c. 7500 A.D.; Delta Cygni, c. 11,300 A.D.; and again Wega, c. 13,500 A.D. (Saturn Venus) Sickness and affliction; legacies attended by evil effects. 27°38' 16° 2'S (1) Betelgeuze, Alpha Orionis. Irregularly variable orange star in right shoulder of Orion. (Mars Mercury - Mercury Saturn Jupiter) When in opposition, said to cause accidents; but in conjunction, to bring honors. A military star. 28°....Degree of tuberculosis of lungs. 28°48' 21 ° 30'N (2) Menkalinan, beta Aurigae. (Mars Mercury) Ruin, disgrace. 29°....Degree of imitation and acting. Degrees, Individual, Cancer (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Cancer. 0°.....Cusp of Eighth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree; (1°-3°)Fortunate degrees; (1°-2°)Degrees of sight. 2°19' O° 54'S (3) Tejat, Eta Geminorum. A binary and variable star. (Mercury Venus) Pride, overconfidence, shamelessness, and violence. 4°.....A medical degree. 4°11' 0° 50'S (3) Dirah, Mu Geminorum. A yellow and blue double star. (Mercury Venus) Energy, power, protection. 5°.....Degree of sleep and trance (5°- 6°) 7°59' 6° 45'S (2) Alhena, Gamma Geminorum. A brilliant white star; called the wound in the Achilles' heel. (Mercury Venus - Moon Venus) Eminence in art; accidents to the feet. 9°54'..Jupiter North Node. 10°....Historical degree. 11°....Degree of retentive memory; of cancer and alcoholism. 12°....Cusp of Ninth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. 12°59' 39° 39'S (1) Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris. A yellow star; known as Orion's big dog - the dog star. (Jupiter Mars - Moon Jupiter Mars) Honor, renown; custodians, guardians, curators; high offices in the government. When rising, said to confer great dignity; often associated with dog bites. 13°....Degree of business; also 12°, 14°, 15°, 16°. 14°....A fortunate degree. 15°....Exaltation of Jupiter. A suicide degree. 16°....Degree of duty. 16°57'.Solar Eclipse: July 10, 1945. 17°57'.Mars-Saturn conj.: March 20, 1946. 17°24' 0° 11'S (3) Wasat, Delta Geminorum. A pale white and purple double star in the right arm of the Northern Twin. (Saturn) Malevolence, violence and destructiveness; associated with poisons and gases. 17°50° 5° 45'N (4) Propus, Tau Geminorum. (Mercury Venus) Eminence, strength, success. 19°8' 10° 5'N (2) Castor, Alpha Geminorum. The mortal one of the heavenly twins; associated with Apollo. (Mercury - Mars Venus Saturn - Moon Mars Uranus) Violence; sudden fame; honors, followed by disgrace or imprisonment. Rising: weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face. 19°34'.Pluto North Node. 20°....Degree of limitation and hindrance. 20°46'.Mars-Saturn conj.: January 20, 1946. 22°7'..16° 0'S (1) Pollux, Beta Geminorum. The immortal one of the twins, son of Jupiter and Leda; associated with Hercules. (Mars - Moon Mars Uranus) Connected with poisons; the art of self-defense; subtle, crafty, rash, cruel. If rising, eye weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face; wounds, imprisonment. If culminating, honor, preferment, followed by disgrace. 23°....Degree of forethought. 23°11'.Saturn North Node. 24°....Degree of music. 24°41' 16° 0'S (1) Procyon, Alpha Canis Minoris. (Mercury Mars -- Moon Jupiter Uranus) Sudden preferment, the result of individual exertion; yet eventually the activity it promotes brings sudden misfortune. Afflictions threaten trouble with and danger through liquids, water, gas, poisons, or dog bites. When rising, said to inspire admiration for the canine species. 24°47'.Mars-Saturn conj.: October 20, 1945. 25°....Cusp of Tenth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree. 27°....Degree of farming. 28°....Fall of Mars. Has to do with the hair. 29°....Degree of the avid collector. Degrees, Individual, Leo (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Leo. 0°.....Homicide. 3°.....Biliousness. 5°.....Homicide, aviation accidents. 6°.....Sight. 6°7' 1°33' N (cl) Presaepe, 44m Cancri. The manger of the Aselli: a nebulous cluster. (Mars Moon) Adventure, wantonness, brutality; at other times fortunate, though liable to loss through others; industry, order and fecundity; large business. Rising, or conjunction an afflicted Moon: blindness, especially of left eye; ophthalmia; facial injuries; fevers, wounds. If Sun oppose Mars or Asc.: violent death. If culminating: disgrace, ruin, violent death. 6°25' 3°11'N (5) North Asellus, Gamma Cancri. Identified with Balaam's ass. The Aselli represent the asses ridden by Bacchus and Vulcan in the war between the Gods and the Titans. (Mars Sun - Sun sextile Mars) Patience, beneficence, courage; sometimes marital preferment; heroic and defiant leaders. 7°36' 0°4'N (4) South Asellus, Delta Cancri. (Mars Sun - Sun > Mars) Fevers, quarrels, slander. 8°.....Cusp of Eleventh Lunar Mansion; a critical degree; Anaemia; hearing. 9°.....Bladder afflictions; alcoholism; Army and Navy. 9°31'..Mars-Pluto conj.: May 12, 1946. 11°10'.Neptune North Node. 12°....A degree of beauty. 12°31' 5°5'S (4) Acubens, Alpha Cancri. (Saturn Mercury) Activity, malevolence, prevarication. 13°....Degree of literature. 15°....First point of Affection: The Lion point. 17°....Degree of aviation; of air and gas. 18°....Medical ability (18°-22°). 19°....The back. 19°35' 9°43'N (3) Algenubi, Epsilon Leonis. (Saturn Mars) Cold, heartless, bombastic, destructive; but with artistic perceptions and facility of expression. 20°....Cusp of Twelfth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. A degree of Faith. 20º-24ºDegrees of homicide. 21°....Comedy. 22°....Appendicitis. 23°....The stage. 25°....Alcoholic (25°-26°); astrology (25°-29°). 26°....Mars-Jupiter conj.: July 5, 1944. 26°10' 22°23'S (2) Alphard, Alpha Hydrae; often called the Heart of the Hydra. (Saturn Venus - Sun sextile Jupiter) Wisdom, artistic appreciation; knowledge of human nature; yet immoral, uncontrolled, and subject to tragedy. 26°27' 11°52' N (3) Adhafera, Zeta Leonis. (Saturn Mercury) Associated with criminal tendencies, poisons, suicide. If rising: military preferment and riches. 26°47' 4°52' N (3) Al Jabhah, Eta Leonis. Violent and intemperate nature; a military officer in danger of mutiny. 28°43' 0°28'N (i) Regulus, Alpha Leonis. A triple star; called the Lion's Heart; one of the Royal stars of the Persians, as Watcher of the North, marking the Summer solstice about 3000 B.C. (Mars Jupiter - Mars - Sun trine Uranus) Destructiveness; military honors, with ultimate failure; magnanimity, liberality, generosity; independent and high-spirited. If rising: honor and wealth, but subject to ill health. If culminating: high office under government; military success. If conj. Sun, Moon or Jupiter: honors and ample fortune. Degrees, Individual, Virgo (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Virgo. 3°.....Cusp of the Thirteenth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree; appendicitis. 4°.....Asthma. 7°.....Degree of dress (7° - 10°) 8°.....Mixing and blending. 9°.....Homicidal tendencies. 10°....Purifying, cleansing, refining, and reducing to simplest essence. A degree of theology. 10°22' 14°20 N (2) Zosma, Delta Leonis. (Saturn Venus) Egotistical, immoral; fearful of poisoning. 11°....An astrological degree. 12°....Business (12° - 16°). 13°....Stage; feet. 14°....Degree of transformation and versatility (13° - 14°). 15°....Exaltation of Mercury. 16°....Cusp of Fourteenth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree, Christian ministers; a degree of symbolism. 17°....Degree of gliding or flowing. 20°30' 12° 16'N (2) Denebola, Beta Leonis, the Lion's Tail. (Saturn Venus - Mercury Uranus Mars) Said to bring honors and wealth, but leading eventually to disgrace; swift judgments; despair, regrets, misfortunes, through natural forces. If rising: good fortune, attended by dangers and anxieties, because of folly. 22°....A military degree; said to rule appendicitis; hairdressers. 23°58' 50°55'N (Neb) Copula, 51m Canum Ven. (Moon Venus) Blindness, defective vision, hindrances and disappointments. 24°....Degree of painting (24° - 26°). 25°....Cancer. 25°35' 17°34'S (4) Labrum, Delta Crateris. Associated with the Holy Grail. (Venus Mercury) Ideality, spiritual intelligence; salvation through fall from grace. 25°38' Mars-Neptune conj.: September 29, 1940. 26°2' 0°42'N (3½) Zavijava, Beta Virginis. (Mercury Mars) Combative, destructive, but beneficent; strength of character. Near to it was the Solar Eclipse of September 21, 1922, used by physicists in confirming the Einstein theory. 27°....Diabetes. 27°48' 63°43' S (2½) Markeb, Kappa Argus. (Saturn Jupiter) Piety, educational work; voyages. 28°....Solar Eclipse: August 21, 1941. 29°21'.Mars-Neptune conj.: September 16, 1942. Degrees, Individual, Libra (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Libra. 0°.....Cusp of Fifteenth Lunar Mansion; a sensitive degree. 3°.....Abscesses. 3°4'...Mars-Neptune conj.: August 23, 1944. 3°43' 1°22'N (4) Zaniah, Eta Virginia; a variable star. (Mercury Venus) Congeniality, refinement, order; a lovable nature. 5°.....Homicide. 6°.....Degree of birds; aviation; goiter. 6°53'..Mars-Neptune conj.: August 20, 1946. 7°.....Sudden death; animal life. 8°.....Solar Eclipse: October 1, 1940. 8°50' 16°13'N (3) Vindemiatrix, Epsilon Virginis. So called because it anciently rose at vintage time. (Saturn Mercury) Falsity, sometimes dishonesty; loss of partner. If conj. Uranus: spinal trouble; heart trouble; seclusion. 9°.....Courage, triumph. 9°2' 2°48'N (3½) Caphir, Gamma Virginis. (Mercury Venus - Venus Mars) Refined and lovable character; prophetic instincts. 12°....Cusp of Sixteenth Lunar Mansion; a sensitive degree. 12°20' 12° 11' (3) Algorab, Delta Corvi. (Mars Saturn) Destructive, malevolent; a scavenger. 13°....Food and drink. 15°....Suicide, apoplexy. 16°32' 49°33'N (3) Seginus, Gamma Boötis. (Mercury Saturn) Subtle mind, but suffers through bad company. 17°....Electrical (16°-18°). 19°....Fall of the Sun. 21°....Exaltation of Saturn. The stage, comedy. 21°3' 58°55'S (v) Foramen, Eta Argus. Surrounded by the "Key-hole" nebula. (Saturn Jupiter) Piety; acquisitiveness; danger to eyes. If conj. Sun: shipwreck. 22°....Artistic; hope. 22°43' 2°3'S (1) Spica, Alpha Virginis. (Venus Mars - Venus Jupiter Mercury) Said to be fixed and benefic; offering riches, renown, and a sweet disposition; the most fortunate of stars, when rising or on the Mid-heaven. 23°....Degree of homosexuality. 23°7' 30° 47'N (1) Arcturus, Alpha Boötis; Arctophilax, the bear watcher. Brightest star in the northern hemisphere (v. Job 38:32). (Mars Jupiter - Mercury conjunct Venus) Renown through self-determination; prosperity by navigation and voyages. 24°....Musical. 25°....Cusp of Seventeenth Lunar Mansion; a sensitive degree; literature. 26°....Detectives. 27°....Consumption. 28°....Hospitality; hair. Degrees, Individual, Scorpio (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Scorpio. 0°.....Sensuous and passionate degree. 2°.....Plot. 2°2' 48°59'N (3) Princeps, Delta Boötis. (Mercury Saturn) Profound and studious mind, adapted to research. 3°.....Fall of the Moon. 5°45' 0° 28'N (4) Khambalia, Lambda Virginis. (Mercury Mars) Changeable, unreliable, argumentative. 6°.....Occultist and leader; that which is slippery but soothing. 8°.....Cusp of Eighteenth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. 10°....Neurasthenia 10°46' 52°52'S (1) Acrux, Alpha Crucis. Brightest star in the Southern Cross. (Jupiter) Ceremonial, benevolent, mystic. 11°10' 44°20'N (2) Alphecca, Alpha Coronae Bor. (Venus Mercury -- Mars Mercury) Dignity; artistic sensibilities, inclined to poetry. 12°....Business (12°-16°) 13°....Air pressure. 13°58' 0°20'N (3) South Scale, Alpha Librae. (Jupiter Mars - Mars Venus Saturn) Unforgiving, untruthful; ill-health. 15°....The Center of Regeneration: the Eagle-point. 16°....Growth; painting. 17°....Music. 17°41'.Mercury South Node. 18°....Appendicitis. 18°15' 8°30'N (2½) North Scale, Beta Librae. (Jupiter Mercury - Mars sextile Jupiter) Good fortune, high ambition. 19°....The degree of avidity, an evil degree; the crucial point in the war between the Ego and the Supreme Will; animal life. 19°8'..Mars South Node. 20°....Cusp of Nineteenth Lunar Mansion; a critical degree. 20°56' 25°25'N (2½) Unukalhai, Alpha Serpentis. (Saturn Mars - Mars Saturn opposition Venus) Immorality, accidents, danger of poison. 21°....Bronchial tubes. 22°43' 44°9'S (1) Agena, Beta Centauri. (Venus Jupiter - Mars conjunct Mercury) Refinement, morality, good health; universally respected. 25°....Dumbness; alcoholic. 27°....Literature; memory. 28°....Brewers. 28°28' 42°34'S (1) Bungula, Alpha Centauri. Often called Proxima, because of its nearness to the Earth: 275,000 astro. units. (Venus Jupiter) Friends; refinement; honor. Degrees, Individual, Sagittarius (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Sagittarius. 0°.....Degrees of draughtsmanship (0°-3°). 1°11' 17°15'N (3) Yed Prior, Delta Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus) Shameless immorality; revolutionary. 1°27' 1°58'S (2) Isidis, Delta Scorpii (Mars Saturn - Venus Gemini Moon) Sudden assaults; malevolence; immorality. 2°4' 1°1'N (3) Graffias, Beta Scorpii. (Mars Saturn - Venus Gemini Moon Saturn) Malicious, merciless; susceptible to contagious diseases. 3°.....Exaltation of Moon's South Node: Fall of Moon's North Node. Cusp of Twentieth Lunar Mansion: a critical degree. 4º.....Aviation. 6°.....Degree of expression in language. 7°.....Degree of the heart. 8°7' 11°4'N (3) Han, Zeta Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus) Harbinger of trouble. 8°39' 4° 34S (1) Antares, Alpha Scorpii; Mars' deputy; the Scorpion's heart. The Watcher of the West. It shows a fluted spectrum in which the reds predominate. (Mars Jupiter) Malevolent, destructive; generous; subject to presentiments of impending tragedy; rash impulses; headstrong obstinacy, chiefly injuring themself. If rising or culminating: honor, preferment, good fortune. 9°.....Homicide. 10°50' 75°17'N (3) Rastaban, Beta Draconis. (Mars Saturn) Criminal tendencies; property losses; accidents. 12°....Accidents to wheeled vehicles. 13°....Degree of acting. 13°43'.Uranus South Node. 14°....Degree of dumbness; indecision. 16°....Cusp of Twenty-First Lunar Mansion: a critical degree. 16°11'.Venus North Node. 16°51' 7°11'N (2) Sabik, Eta Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus - Jupiter Venus) Wasteful, inefficient; bad morals, but successful evildoer. 17°....Degree of matter in transition - heat, flame; homicidal. 18°....Royalty. 20°....Faith (20°-23°). 21°....Growth. 21°20' 35°51'N (2) Rasalhague, Alpha Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus - Jupiter Mercury sextile Mars) Perverted and depraved tastes; misfortunes through women. 22°....A military degree. 22°54' 14°0'S (3) Lesath, Gamma Scorpii. (Mercury Mars) Associated with acids; danger, desperation; immorality. 23°....Faith. 24°39' 8°50'C (cl) Aculeus, 6m Scorpii. (conjunct Moon) If conj. or opposition an afflicted luminary, or its afflicting planet: impaired eyesight, perhaps blindness. 25°....Neuresthania. 27°35' 11°22'S (cl) Acumen, 7m Scorpii. (conjunct Moon) Companion to Aculeus, and of same nature and influence. 28°....Consumption. 28°38' 13°41'N (3) Sinistra, Gamma Ophiuchi. (Saturn Venus) Slovenly, immoral. 29°....Imitation; acting. 29°32' 0°1'N (CNC) Spiculum, 8, 20, 21m Sagittarii. (Mars Moon) Mentioned by Ptolemy in connection with blindness. Degrees, Individual, Capricorn (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Capricorn. 0°.....The Galactic Center. The most important point in astrology. Cusp of the Twenty-Second Lunar Mansion. An ambitious degree. 2°.....Sight. 2°6' 2°21'N (4) Polis, Mu Sagittarii. (Jupiter Mars) Keen perception, domination; ambition, success; horsemanship. 3°.....Medical. 4°.....Sleep and trance (4°-5°). 6°.....Analogy. 7°.....Unusual ability. 7°12' 0°43'C (cl) Facies, 22m Sagittarii. (Sun Mars) Blindness or defective sight; illness; accidents. 9°.....Degree of history. 9°54'..Jupiter South Node. 10°....Memory. 11°....Religion. 11°16' 3°26'S (2) Pelagus, Sigma Sagittarii. (Jupiter Mercury - Saturn Mercury) Optimism; veracity; a religious tendency. 12°....Cusp of the Twenty-Third Lunar Mansion. 12°31' 7°10'S (3) Ascella, Zeta Sagittarii. (Jupiter Mercury) Happiness, good fortune. 13°52' 0°52'N (4½) Manubrium, Omicron Sagittarii. (Sun Mars) Heroic, courageous, defiant; blindness from fire or explosion. 14°....Suicide. 14°12' 61°44'N (1) Wega, Alpha Lyrae, a pale sapphire star in the lower part of the Lyre. (Venus Mercury - Jupiter trine Saturn in Part of Fortune) Beneficent, idealistic, hopeful, refined, changeable; grave, outwardly pretentious, but usually lascivious. 15°....Fall of Jupiter. A degree of duty. 16°....Degree of solid matter. 17°....Intellectual and governmental. 18°41' 36°12'N (3) Deneb, Zeta Aquilae. (Mars Jupiter) Benevolent, liberal; ability to command; and a successful warrior. 19°34'.Pluto South Node. 21°....A scholarly degree. 23°....Governmental authority; music. 23°11'.Saturn South Node. 24°43' 5°25'S (6) Terebellum, Omega Sagittarii. (Venus Saturn) Cunning, mercenary; a fortune, with a guilty conscience and unsavory reputation. 25°....Cusp of the Twenty-Fourth Lunar Mansion. 26°....Land and farming. 27°....Hair. 28°....Exaltation of Mars. 29°....Degree of collecting. Degrees, Individual, Aquarius (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Aquarius. 0°.....Homicide (0° - 5°). 0°9' 48°59'N (3) Albirco, Beta Cygni. (Venus Mercury) Beauty; a lovable disposition; resigned to Fate. 0°39' 29°18'N (1) Altair, Alpha Aquilae. (Mars Jupiter - Uranus Mercury sextile Sun) Bold, confident, unyielding, liberal, valiant; sudden, but ephemeral wealth; a position of command; danger from reptiles. 2°42' 6°58'N (4) Giedi, Alpha Capricorni; a multiple star, yellow, ash, lilac. (Venus Mars - Venus sextile Uranus - Venus Mercury) Beneficences; sacrifices; brings strange events into one's life. 2°56' 4°36'N (3) Dabih, Beta Capricorni. (Saturn Venus - Saturn Uranus Gemini Mercury) Suspicion and mistrust; success, but retirement under a cloud. 3°36' 0°54'N (5) Oculus, Pi Capricorni. (Saturn Venus) If conj. Mercury: a clever and penetrating mind. 4°3' 1°12'N (5) Bos, Rho Capricorni. (Saturn Venus) Similar to Oculus. 5°.....Solar Eclipse: January 26, 1944. 8°.....Cusp of Twenty-fifth Lunar Mansion. 9°.....Executive; presidential. 10°....The principle of things. 11°10'.Neptune South Node. 11°37' 2°59'S (5) Armus, Eta Capricorni. (Mars Mercury) Contemptible, nagging, contentious, unstable. 12°....If Mars afflicted here: assassination. 12°43' 0°36'S (5) Dorsum, Theta Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Bites from venomous creatures. 13°....Degree of beauty; literature. 15°0'..The Center of Humanity, the angel point. Solar eclipse, February 5, 1943. 17°....State of air and gases. 18°....Explosiveness. 19°....The back. 19°5' 4°58'S (5) Castra, Epsilon Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Bad reputation; uncontrollable temper. 20°....Cusp of Twenty-Sixth Lunar Mansion; a degree of Faith. 20°40' 2°33'S (4) Nashira, Gamma Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Danger from beasts; conflict with evil, but ultimate success. 22°....Astrological area (22°-28°). 22°17' 8°37'N (3) Sadalsund, Beta Aquarii. (Saturn Mercury - Sun sextile Uranus)Trouble, disgrace. 22°25' 2°35'S (3) Deneb Algedi, Delta Capricorni. (Saturn Jupiter) Sorrow and joy, life and death, always hanging in the balance. 23°....Benevolence. 25°....Alcoholism. Degrees, Individual, Pisces (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.) (Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.) Pisces. 2°14' 10°39'N (3) Sadalmelik, Alpha Aquarii. (Saturn Mercury) Persecution, sudden destruction; the death penalty, if afflicted. 2°44' 21°8'S (1) Fomalhaut, Alpha Piscis Aust. The Watcher of the South v. Royal Stars. (Venus Mercury - Jupiter square in Pisces - Sagittarius) Supposedly fortunate and powerful, yet a sublime malevolence that fluctuates between material and spiritual expression. If rising, according to Cardan: great learning, and an "immortal name." 3°.....Cusp of Twenty-Seventh Lunar Mansion. 4°14' 59°55'N (1) Deneb Adige, Alpha Cygni. (Venus Mercury) Facile and ingenious mind. 7°45' 8°11'S (3) Skat, Delta Aquarii. (Saturn Jupiter - Uranus Venus sextile Mercury) Good fortune; lasting happiness. 14°10' 59°22'S (1) Achernar, Alpha Eridani; called the Cherub and Sword. (Jupiter) Confers royal honors; success in public office. 15°....Fall of Mercury. 16°....Cusp of Twenty-Eighth Lunar Mansion. 22°22' 19°24'N (2) Markab, Alpha Pegasi. (Mars Mercury) Honors, but danger from fire, fever, cuts and blows. 27°....Exaltation of Venus. 28°15' 31°8'N (2) Scheat, Beta Pegasi. (Mars Mercury) Extreme misfortune; suicide, drowning, perhaps murder. 29°9' 6°32'N (2) Theta Piscium; tail of western fish. (Saturn Mercury) A fatalistic influence. For more complete data on the stars, refer to Vivian E. Robson's volume, "Fixed Stars in Astrology." Delineation. (1) Applied to the generally accepted composite interpretation of specific influences, such as a planet's position in a Sign or House, an aspect between two planets, or a configuration of planets; (2) Sometimes applied to the interpretation of the Figure as a whole, but such a summing up is more properly termed a synthesis. (q.v.) Depression. Distance of a celestial body below the horizon: its horizontal distance North. Descendant The opposite point to the Ascendant (q.v.). The cusp of the 7th house. The western angle. Loosely applied to the whole of the seventh house. Descending. Said of a planet in any house from the Fourth to the Ninth. While one may speak of a body as "setting" when it passes below the Western horizon, it is "descending" from the time it passes the Midheaven until it reaches the opposite point, or Imum Coeli. Destiny. The end to which all unrestrained forces lead. The aim of most religions, including Astrology, is to help one to become the master of his Destiny. Lacking this mastery, Destiny largely determines the part we play in the scheme of things. Destiny vs. Will adds up to experience, as a result of which we can be said to evolve, and become a developed or remain an undeveloped child of Destiny. The shrinking statue of the character Destiny from scene to scene in Maeterlinck's "Betrothal" was symbolic of the diminishing power of Destiny as man evolves in character through the experience of the will and as the fruit of experience. The Consciousness of Purpose, which is a fundamental of MacDougan's system of Psychology, compares to the Astrological sense of Destiny that is imparted through the sign position of the Sun. The individual feels but fails to identify that Destiny until after a long search he "finds himself" - his place in life. But the demand for self-expression through that Destiny is the driving and sustaining conviction that spurs his search until he does find it. It is well described in Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came." The search for self-expression is hampered or helped: by the desire nature, determined by the Moon position; and by emotional urges conditioned by the positions and aspects of the planets which deliver by reflection an altered solar spectum, consisting of combinations of energy frequencies. These stimulate the unequal development of the endocrine glands which results in the state of glandular imbalance that is now recognized as the cause of so many mental and emotional complexes and physical ills. Detriment. Properly employed it applies to the placement of a planet in the opposite Sign from that of which it is said to be the Ruler; although it is frequently applied to Debility by Sign position, which includes the opposite Sign to that in which it is in its Exaltation, as well as to those of which it is Ruler. Dexter. Applied to an aspect which is computed backward, against the order of the Signs; in which the aspected body is elevated above the aspecting body. If this appears opposite to what you sense it should be, remember that Ptolemy, who originated the term, knew only apparent motion - that of the daily motion of the heavens because of the Earth's rotation; therefore the one ahead, was on the right hand - dexter; and the one behind, was on the left hand - sinister. There is some controversy as to which are the stronger, although the ancients gave preference to the dexter. Today, some differentiation can be had by application of the Doppler effect noted in spectroscopy, wherein the ray from a body whose position is becoming increasingly distant is displaced toward the red end of the spectrum, while with lessening distance the displacement is toward the violet end. Since the dexter aspect is forming as the result of increasing distance it would show a displacement toward the red end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a measure of Mars energy; while the sinister aspect, forming as the result of decreasing distance, would show a displacement toward the violet end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a measure of Venus or Jupiter geniality. From this one might infer that the relative desirability of a dexter and sinister aspect is somewhat dependent upon the nature of the planets that are involved. Dhanus. The ninth. The Hindu name for the sign Sagittarius. Dichotome, or Dicotome. (Gr. cut in half.) Applied to that phase of the lunar orb, or of an inferior planet, in which only half of its disk appears illuminated, i.e. the First and Third Quarters, in which the body is assuming the shape of a half-moon, and in which the Moon is said to be oriental. Dignities and Debilities. Conditions of placement wherein a planet's influence is strengthened, are termed Dignities; if weakened they are termed Debilities. These are of two varieties: Essential and Accidental. Part One of this article. A planet in a Sign in which it is strengthened, is in one of its Essential Dignities; in a House in which it is strengthened, in its Accidental Dignity. The Essential Dignities are: (1) when a planet is in a Sign of which it is the Ruler, when it is said to be in its own Sign, or in its Domal Dignity. It is ambiguous and confusing to call this its House-position. If the Sign which a planet rules is on the cusp of the House in which the planet is posited, the planet may be described as the Lord of the House: but the strength as such depends upon its Essential Dignity by virtue of its Sign placement. Some authorities deem that placement in any other Sign of the same element as that of which it is the Ruler confers a degree of Dignity; (2) When it is posited in the Sign in which it is said to be Exalted, wherein its strength is augmented and its virtues magnified. A planet in its Exaltation is only slightly less favorably placed than when it is in its own Sign; (3) By ancient precepts, the placement of a planet in the same Triplicity as that of which it is the Ruler, in the same Term, or in the same Face, were deemed to be Essential Dignities of varying degree. Relative values were computed by points as follows: Sign 5; Mutual reception by house, 5; Exaltation 4; mutual reception by Exaltation 4; Triplicity 3; Term 2; Face 1. In the opposite Sign to that which it rules, a planet is said to be in its Detriment; which is to say, in opposition to its most congenial environment, hence materially weakened. In the opposite Sign to that in which it would be in its Exaltation, it is said to be in its Fall. The scale of Essential Debilities arc: Detriment 5; Fall 4; Peregrine 5. A planet in its Debility is generally to be interpreted as an indication of weakness in that it increases the bad effects of malefic, and lessens the possibilities for good of a benefic. Of the Accidental Dignities the strongest is placement in Angular Houses: firstly, the Tenth; then, in order, the First, Seventh and Fourth Houses. The Succedent Houses come next, with the Cadent Houses weakest. Other Accidental Dignities, according to older authorities, are: favorable aspects to Fortune; freedom from combustion; favorable aspects from benefics; swift in motion and increasing in light; and in a House which corresponds to the Sign of its Essential Dignity - as the Sun in the Fifth House, corresponding to Leo; Moon in the Fourth House, corresponding to Cancer; Mercury in the Third or Sixth House, corresponding to Gemini and Virgo; and so on. Modern authorities, however, usually confine the use of the term to House placement or Elevation. Accidental Dignities are not necessarily benevolent. The increased strength may result harmfully if expressed through unfavorable aspects. The number of planets which are accidentally dignified is a character - index of importance. A planet so placed as to gain strength by way of Essential or Accidental dignity, does not necessarily confer a benevolent disposition. For example, a significator that is exalted, angular, and not afflicted indicates a person of haughty arrogant nature, assuming more than is his due. Charles E. 0. Carter considers that a planet in its own sign benefits quantitatively, but not qualitatively; i.e., its strength is increased, but not necessarily rendered benefic. Point values by which to judge the relative strength of the Accidental Dignities, as listed by Wilson, are: Ascendant or Midheaven..............................5 Not Combust........................................ 5
Cazimi............................................. 5 Besieged by Jupiter and Venus...................... 6 Partile conj. with Jupiter and Venus............... 5 Conj. Cor Leonis................................... 6 Conj. Spica........................................ 5 4th, 7th or 11th House............................. 4 Direct motion...................................... 4 Partile conj., North Node.......................... 4 Partile trine, Jupiter and Venus................... 4 Partile sextile, Jupiter and Venus................. 3 2nd or 5th House................................... 2 9th House.......................................... 2 Swift of motion.................................... 2 Increasing in light................................ 2 Saturn, oriental................................... 2 Jupiter, oriental.................................. 2 Mars, oriental..................................... 2 Moon, occidental................................... 2 Mercury, occidental................................ 2 Venus, occidental.................................. 2 3rd House.......................................... 1 Hayze.............................................. 1 In the Term of Jupiter or Venus.................... 1 Point values of the Accidental Debilities are: Besieged by Mars and Saturn......................... 6 Partile conj., Mars and Saturn...................... 5 Conj. Caput Algol................................... 6 Combust............................................. 5 Retrograde.......................................... 5 12th House.......................................... 5 Under the Sunbeams.................................. 4 6th or 8th House.................................... 4 Partile conj., South Node........................... 4 Partile opposition, Mars or Saturn.................. 4 Partile square, Mars or Saturn...................... 3 Decreasing in light................................. 2 Decreasing in motion, or slow....................... 2 Saturn occidental................................... 2 Jupiter occidental.................................. 2 Moon oriental....................................... 2 Mercury oriental.................................... 2 Venus oriental...................................... 2 In term of Mars or Saturn........................... 1 Certain Dignities specifically ascribed to Fortuna are: Conj., Cor Leonis................................... 6 Asc. or Midheaven................................... 5 Partile conj., Jupiter or Venus..................... 5 Conj., Spica........................................ 5 Not Combust......................................... 5 In Taurus or Pisces................................. 5 Besieged by Jupiter and Venus....................... 6 In Cancer, Leo, Libra, or Sagittarius............... 4 4th, 7th, or 11th House............................. 4 Partile trine, Venus or Jupiter..................... 4 Partile conj., North Node........................... 4 In Gemini........................................... 3 2nd or 5th House.................................... 3 Partile sextile, Jupiter or Venus................... 3 In Virgo............................................ 2 9th House........................................... 2 3rd House........................................... 1 In Term of Venus or Jupiter......................... 1 The Debilities ascribed to Fortuna are: Conj., Caput Algol.................................. 6 Besieged by Mars and Saturn......................... 6 12th House.......................................... 5 In Scorpio, Capricorn, or Aquarius.................. 5 Combust............................................. 5 Partile conj., Mars or Saturn....................... 5 6th or 8th House.................................... 4 Opposition, Mars or Jupiter......................... 4 Partile conj., South Node........................... 4 In Aries............................................ 3 Partile square, Mars or Saturn...................... 3 Term of Mars or Saturn.............................. 1 The totals of the Dignities in comparison to the totals of the Debilities affords a determination of the potential strength of the planet. According to the strength each assumes in a nativity, will its power to activate become manifest: Sun......builds Moon.....nourishes Mercury..communicates Venus....allures Mars.....energizes Jupiter..expands Saturn...endures Uranus...perceives Neptune..dissolves Pluto....consolidates Dignities and Debilities, contd. (Part Two of this article). A fixed star is in conjunction with a planet when not more distant than 5° of longitude and 2° of latitude. Of Dignities Calvin in "Scientific Astrology" says:- "A planet in its own Sign, unless retrograde or seriously afflicted by the malefics, is as one who is master of his own house and goods. In its Exaltation it is strong, but less so than were he his own master. In its Detriment it is weak, as one in his neighbor's house and not master thereof. In its Fall it is as one who is poverty-stricken and without power." Of Mutual Reception he says: "When two planets are in each other's Signs, even though in evil aspect to one another, the effect is beneficial, as of people exchanging courteous social amenities." As to Accidental Dignities, he says: "A planet is strong if it is in an angle of the Figure, swift in motion, direct, and overwhelmingly in good aspect with other planets." As to retrograde motion he says: "It tends to bring out the introspective rather than the objective qualities of the native, and is generally synonymous with belated or denied benefits." Another generalization based upon the Accidental Dignities of the Geocentric Figure stipulates that "When the Moon is higher than the Sun, the personality and sensibilities usually rule. With their positions reversed the character will dominate the career. If both are below the horizon, the life will be correspondingly unfortunate." James Wilson expressed doubt concerning the efficacy of some of the dignities, and cited the Ptolemy dictum that "Planets are strong in the world when they are oriental, swift in motion, direct, and increasing in light; and strong in the Nativity when angular or succedant, particularly in the south or cast angles." The following Table shows the Essential Dignities and Debilities: * Modern and arbitrary assignments. # Some authorities give Virgo as the Exaltation of Mercury - as well as the Sign of its rulership; hence also Pisces as the Sign of its Fall. Others give Virgo as the Exaltation of Mars, and Capricorn as the Exaltation of Jupiter. A planet that is unfavorably aspected is sometimes loosely characterize as debilitated; also any Sign dessimilar in its nature to the Sign it rules - as Saturn in Pisces. Properly speaking, a planet is said to be in its Dignity solely by virtue of position, in distinction to any strength conferred by a supporting aspect. The same table arranged in the order of the Signs follows: Wemyss attributes the rulership of Pisces to the asteroids; probably fragments of what once was or was intended to be a planet between the Earth and Mars. Thereby he explains the lack of a consciousness of Destiny which is an outstanding feature of the Pisces nature. Most authorities attribute to an Essential Dignity the force of a harmonious aspect, and to a Debility that of an inharmonious aspect. Some authorities speak of congeniality of planet in element as a species of Dignity; Moon and Neptune in the Water Signs; Sun and Mars in the Fire Signs; Mercury and Venus in the Air Signs; and Jupiter and Saturn in the Earth Signs. The basis on which these Exaltations were assigned is lost in antiquity. Certain correspondences are worthy of notice, as bearing on their selection. The Sun as giver of life, finds an important function in Aries, which rules the head-the scat of the mind. The changeable nature of the Moon is stabilized by the fixity of Taurus - the provider of the home. Venus finds its most ready servitor in the philanthropic Pisces. Mars is stabilized and harnessed in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Saturn finds a noble outlet in Libra - the purveyor of justice. Jupiter in Cancer, representing the home, is there sublimated into devotion. This supposed dignity seems to have had its origin with the Arabians. Almansor, in his aphorisms, says "Saturn and the Sun have their exaltations opposite, because one loves darkness and the other light; Jupiter and Mars are opposite, because one is a lover of justice and the other of misrule; and Mercury and Venus have opposite places, because one loves learning and science, and the other sensual pleasures - which are mutual enemies to each other." It can be noted that harmonious aspects join the signs of Rulership and Exaltation, as follows: Ruler | Exaltation | Sun | Leo | trines | Aries | Moon | Cancer | sextiles | Taurus | Mercury | Gemini | trines | Aquarius | Venus | Taurus | sextiles | Pisces | Mars | Scorpio | sextiles | Capricorn (or Virgo) | Jupiter | Pisces | trines | Cancer (or sextiles Capricorn) | Saturn | Aquarius | trines | Libra | As explained by Ptolemy in the Tetrabiblos, the Moon and the Sun were assigned to the Rulership of Cancer and Leo because "these are the most Northerly of all the Signs, and approach nearer than any others to the Zenith of this part of the Earth: the Moon to Cancer because both are feminine, and the Sun to Leo, because both are masculine." This resulted in the division of the zodiac into a Solar semi-circle from Leo forward to Capricorn, and a Lunar Semi-circle from Cancer backward to Aquarius. In order that each planet might rule a Sign in each semi-circle, whereby it could be configurated with both Sun and Moon, Mercury, which is never more than one Sign distant from the Sun, was assigned to the rulership of Gemini and Virgo; Venus, which is never more than two Signs distant, to Taurus and Libra; Mars, because it is dry in nature, was assigned to two Signs of a similar nature, Aries and Scorpio, whose square relation to the respective Signs of the luminaries was appropriately discordant; Jupiter, whose fruitful nature deserved a harmonious relationship in which to operate for good, was assigned to the two trine Signs Pisces and Sagittarius; leaving Saturn, a cold planet in an orbit remote from the harmonious, to be assigned to Cancer and Aquarius, and for the added reason that their "configuration by opposition does not cooperate towards the production of good." As the basis on which the Exaltations were assigned is equally arbitrary it is no wonder that Wilson scoffs at and refuses to accept the entire doctrine of Essential Dignities. To render matters worse confounded some of the moderns have endeavored to upset the scheme by assigning to Uranus the rulership of Aquarius, and to Neptune the rulership of Pisces, and are now in a battle royal as to whether Pluto shall be assigned to Aries or Scorpio. Looked at from a scientist's viewpoint the entire Doctrine of Dignities appears to be a fortune-teller's device whereby to find at least some answer to a question concerning a House which contains no planets, and is thus unable to give positive testimony regarding a question asked. Wilson seemed to think that Placidus side-stepped the doctrine as one with which he could not agree, but regarding which he dared not disagree. Marc Edmund Jones says that few modern practitioners pay much attention to the Essential Dignities and Debilities. v. Ptolemaic Astrology. To distinguish between these dual rulerships, the positive signs were called Day Houses, and the negative signs, the Night Houses -- although since they are signs not houses, the terms Day Home and Night Home would be preferable. Day Home | Planet | Night Home | Gemini | Mercury | Virgo | Libra | Venus | Taurus | Aries | Mars | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Jupiter | Pisces | Aquarius | Saturn | Capricorn | A person born by night, with the Sun below the horizon, looks to the Night Homes of the planets to be the stronger; if born with the Sun above the horizon, the Day Homes. The moderns have thrown this into confusion in an effort to ascribe rulerships to the newly-discovered planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Many authorities prefer however to consider these as second-octave planets: Uranus of Mercury, Neptune of Venus, and Pluto of Mars. Other systems of rulership have been variously proposed. v. Rulership. For further observations on the relative strength of the Dignities: v. Synthesis. Triplicity, Rulers of. Another variety of Dignity, used in Mundane and Horary practice, is that of a planet posited in its own Triplicity. The rulerships of the Triplicities are, however, not always the rulers of the three signs which make up the Triplicity. For example, of the Fire Trigon, Mars as an enemy of the Sun is dethroned, and the Sun is made the ruler by day, and Jupiter by night. This was the Northern Triplicity, since because Jupiter brought to the Egyptians fruitful showers from out of the North he was said to rule the North; also the Northwest, because the outlawed Mars now and then brought in the West wind; and Southwest, because Mars is feminine, and the South is feminine. Of the Earth Trigon Venus was its ruler by day and the Moon by night. This was the Southern Trigon, because "under the petticoat government of Venus and the Moon," as Wilson puts it, "they contrived to exclude Saturn - for what reason we are not informed." It rules the South because Venus brings South winds, and Southeast because Saturn brings East winds. Of the Air Trigon Saturn rules by day and Mercury by night. It was the Eastern Trigon because Saturn brings East winds and persuaded Mercury to cooperate; and Northeast because Jupiter claimed a share since both are diurnal planets, hence related. The Water Trigon was ruled by Mars with the co-rulership of Venus by day and the Moon by night. It was the Western Trigon because Mars liked the West winds for the reason that they scorched the Egyptians; and the Southwest because of the share of Venus in the trigon. Concerning all this Wilson adds: "Its absurdity requires no comment; and since the doctrine that countries and cities are governed by certain signs and planets is solely founded on this folly, it is undeserving of the smallest attention." In Horary practice a planet in its Triplicity denotes a respectable person who has a sufficiency of everything, hence is quite comfortable. Dionysian Period. The 28-year cycle of the Sun, on which is based the Dominical Letter, brings the Sun back to the same day of the week. The 19-year Metonic Cycle restores the new moon to the same day of the month. Therefore 28 X 19 = 532 years - the period on which Lunations recur on the same day of the month and the same day of the week. This is the Dionysian Period, so called after Dionysius Exiguus; also called the Victorian period, after Victorius of Aquitain. Its use in determining Easter Sunday was discontinued with the Gregorian reformation of the Julian calendar. Directions. Progressions. No phase of Astrology is subject to such differences of opinion and practice as that which treats of the changing influences resulting from the various moving bodies of the solar system, as they affect the individual through the sundry sensitive points produced by the impact of planetary rays during his first day of life. Chief among these are three basic systems: Transits, Primary Directions, and Secondary Progressions. Transits are based upon the actual motions of the various bodies, whereby Saturn, for example, with a revolutionary period of approximately 30 years, will in that time return to the place it occupied on a day of birth; during which period it will transit over each one of the sensitive points of the Birth Figure. Thus when it passes over the radical position of Venus there results a Saturn impulse through a Venus expectancy; and so on for all the moving planets in relation to each of the sensitive points. There is no controversy concerning transits, other than their relative strength and importance as compared to Directions and Progressions. Directions and Progressions are based on a theory that since each actual day's revolution of the Earth finds the Sun advanced one degree beyond the point where it was on the preceding day, and since the extra four minutes of rotation required to traverse this degree is the equivalent of the day required for the Earth to traverse the degree in its annual revolution, one degree of rotation is equal to one day's revolution. Out of this it is deduced that since a degree is equal to a day, and a day is equal to a year, a degree is equal to a year. There is also biblical authority for some such statement. On this assumption is founded an elaborate system of calculations, all of which come to naught in case the original premise is rejected. The Primary System, so called, is thus a calculation of the number of four-minute intervals during which a given planet will move from its birth position to the place where it conjoins or aspects a sensitive degree - usually the birth-position of some other planet. Then since each four-minute arc represents a year of life, it is assumed that in a given year there will be in force a directed aspect between these two bodies. Since each of these calculations are separately made and applied, the term "directed" is employed, such as "Jupiter directed to the place of Saturn," and so on. These arcs of Direction must be computed in fractional divisions of the semi-arc, since in various latitudes at different seasons of the year the arc from the horizon to the Midheaven may be variously more or less than go". Instead of calculating a day as 1°, the distance travelled in 4 minutes is calculated at one-ninetieth of the arc which the sunrise degree must traverse in order to reach its Midheaven point on that day; or if below the horizon, for the degree on the Imum Coeli to reach its horizon-point. Secondary Progressions, much easier to calculate, are based on the theory that the positions of the planets on the third day of life, for example, will represent a correct Progressed horoscope for the third year of life, and so on. In this system one casts a Progressed Figure for the year desired, by casting it for that many days after birth, using the ephemeris of the year of birth. One of the first observations is the evident fact that in ancient times the astrologer did not have the availability of ephemerides for different years, and this was a simple means whereby to secure an approximation. One modern adaptation which combines features of both systems is the so-called Radix System, which assumes an Ascendant degree that is advanced for every year an amount equal to one day's average travel of the Earth around the Sun, which in advancing sweeps the whole scheme of sensitive points along with it. This unit is 0° 59' - or 360° of the circle divided by 365¼ days of the year. Also, as the Ascendant moves downward, carrying the planets to new positions, the original places of the planets move upwards - thereby creating double the number of sensitive points, and allowing for directions to be figured in both direct and converse motion. To these sensitive points the Sun is directed at the rate of its average daily travel - the major arc of 0° 59'; and the Moon at the rate of its average daily travel - the minor arc of 13° 11'. Another method is the Annual Solar Revolution, a Figure cast for the exact moment in any given year on which the Sun returns to the exact degree, minute and second which it occupied on the day of birth. A derivation of this system is the so-called "Key-Cycle" devised by Wynn. There are other systems of calculating the supposed accents which are imparted by the changing cosmic conditions that mark successive years, but a detailed discussion of the problems involved in the various systems of Directions and Progressions would make a ponderous volume in itself. Every system has its exponents, but the chief reason for all of them is found in the effort of the astrologer to foretell future events. The more conservative of the modern scientific astrologers confine themselves largely to known factors, such as transits, interpreting them as subordinate to the Birth Figure, and delineating both of them in terms of psychological tendencies, the control of which is within command of the individual who seeks to rule his destiny rather than to be ruled by it. To such, the most satisfactory method, other than the transits, on which to base deductions concerning the changing influences of each year, is perhaps the Solar Revolution Figure, on the assumption that since with each successive year the Sun becomes the predominating influence on the unfolding destiny of the individual, the moment of its return to its exact birth position represents an anniversary marked by a sub-conscious recheck of the pattern of receptivities which was stamped at birth, and which has been noted and revised with each annual return of the Sun. On the very first anniversary, the relationship of the Rising Degree and the Solar Degree was found altered; hence, one of them had to be revised. In early life it might be possible to ignore the Sun and to continue to measure from the Ascendant; but with the advance toward the age at which one attains to his majority, it must be apparent that the Sun will have asserted itself as the most compelling of all sources of cosmic stimulation - as regards consciousness of the dictates of destiny, if not emotionally - and thereby will have supplanted the Ascendant degree as the individual point of reference. There is this to be said for the Solar Revolution Figure, that the planetary positions are those the planets actually then occupy, and not some symbolic approximation - hence such a Figure cannot offer a contradiction to transits which will continue from these points throughout the year. It also coincides with the observations of a considerable number of modern astrologers, to the effect that in tracing adult character development the Solar Houses give more reliable testimony than those of Houses based upon either a birth or a Progressed Ascendant. To make vivid the difference between the Primary and Secondary systems, they can be summarized as follows: Primary Directions are based on the "first motion," the Primum Mobile of Aristotle, the apparent nightly trek of the planets across the sky from East to West. This means that calculations are made in Right Ascension along the Equator, and that an error of four minutes in the actual birth moment makes a difference of one year in the timing of a prognosticated condition or event. Secondary Progressions are based upon the actual motions of the planets along the Ecliptic, on the assumption that the conditions encountered on the second day of life will be those which will govern the second year of life; hence an error of four minutes in the actual birth moment makes a difference of only one day in the timing of the prognosticated condition or event. The crux of the matter is whether or not you accept the one degree for a year Arc of Direction as having a scientific justification, and if this unit is rejected both the Primary and the Secondary systems go into the discard as far as you are concerned. The Transits in effect in any year of life are the actual positions the planets then occupy, considered in relation to the places they occupied on a given date of birth. Radix System of Directing. This system refers all Directions to the radical places of the planets. The Midheaven, the Sun and all the planets and bodies are moved forward at a mean rate of diurnal progress, of 59' 08" - the Naibod arc, and the Ascendant is brought up by Oblique Ascension under the latitude, as shown in the Tables of Houses for the birthplace. The Moon is also moved forward in the Zodiac at its mean rate of 13° 11' per year - termed the minor arc. While moving forward in the heavens all the bodies except the Moon preserve their radical relationships, at the same time forming aspects to the radical places of the Significators, while the latter form aspects to the radical places of the Promittors. By this means the arcs are simultaneously equated to the mean motion of the heavens, the radical relations of the celestial bodies are preserved, and the radical significance of a planet remains undisputed. By this method many events for which neither Primary nor Secondary Directions could be obtained have been clearly indicated and predicted. The method is worth the close attention of all students. All planets act from the Sign and House to which they have attained by direction, but when their radical places are directed they act in terms of their radical positions. Gustave Lambert-Brahy of Brussels and Henry J. Gouchon of Paris have confirmed the belief that the progressing of the Ascendant "carries with it all the rest of the sky." They propose as a logical procedure that the Ascendant be advanced on the basis of 4' of S.T. per year, adding the same arc to each planet's position. Recessional Directions. A term applied by P. J. Harwood, a British astrologer, to H. S. Green's system of prenatal directions, in which the day prior to birth corresponds to the first year after birth. Recessional Directions. A term applied by P.J. Harwood, a British astrologer, to H.S. Green's system of pre-natal directions, in which the day prior to birth corresponds to the first year after birth. Dispositor. (to dispose of) The Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of a House disposes of, or is the dispositor of, a planet posited in that House. When the dispositor of any planet taken as a significator, is itself disposed of by the Ruler of the Ascendant, it is deemed a strongly favorable indication. In a Solar Figure, the Ruler of the Sign is the Dispositor of a planet posited therein. The assumption is that when a planet is in a Sign that is ruled by another planet, it is supposed to be so influenced by the planet that rules the Sign in which it is placed, as in effect to alter its nature. Thus, if Saturn is in a Sign ruled by Jupiter, the Jupiterian influence is presumed so to permeate the Saturn influence as to render it more Jupiterian and less Saturnian. This idea is expressed by saying either that "Saturn is disposed of by Jupiter," or that "Jupiter is the dispositor of Saturn." Definitions of various authorities are somewhat vague and apparently contradictory, but a study of older texts appears to justify the simple explanation here given. of course the term must not be interpreted too literally, for most authorities argue that a planet actually in-a-House is more potent in its influence over the affairs of that House than is the Ruler of the Sign on its cusp, or of a Sign intercepted within the House. The extent to which the Dispositor nullifies the influence of the planet of which it disposes, is a matter of judgment based upon the strength of aspects and the character of the aspecting planets as affecting both the Dispositor and the planet of which it disposes. In his dictionary Alan Leo gives a reverse definition to that offered by Sepharial, but evades the issue by remarking that "it is probably of more importance in Horary Astrology, though it must have some value in Nativities." However, too many ancient texts base judgments on the "dispositor of Mercury" to admit of Mercury not having a Dispositor - which under Leo's definition that "a planet in the House of another disposes of that planet," would occur if no planets were in Gemini or Virgo. However, since Mercury must always be in some Sign, the designation of the Ruler of that Sign as Mercury's Dispositor becomes a logical application of the term. The Ruler of the Sign Mercury posits is thus a determining factor in the qualities of disposition that the fluctuating Mercury will develop. Dissociate Signs. Adjacent Signs and those that are five Signs apart: those which bear to each other a 12th, 2nd, 6th or 8th House relationship. v. Inconjunct. Distance in the heavens is measured in Right Ascension or Oblique Ascension, or along the Ecliptic, the Equator, or the Prime Vertical, in (1) Sidereal hours and minutes of Right Ascension along the Equator; (2) degrees and minutes of arc of Oblique Ascension along the Ecliptic, and in degrees and minutes of arc of declination above or below the Equator, or of latitude above or below the Ecliptic. Polar Distance. The angular distance of a celestial object from the pole: 90° minus the declination. Actual Intra-solar system distances are expressed in astronomical Units (q. v.): Ultra-solar system distances in Light Years (q. v.). Diurnal. Of or belonging to the day: as the apparent diurnal motion of the planets resulting from the axial rotation of the Earth (v. Motion). D. Arc: Measurement, in degrees, of the arc a celestial body traverses from its rising to its setting. D. Houses. v. Houses, Rulers of. D. Planets. v. Planets. D. Ruler, that which rules by day. D. Triplicities: the Fire Trigon for the Sun; and so on. v. Dignities: Rulers of the Triplicities. Dog Days. A forty-day period extending from July 4 to August 11; given by some authorities as from July 20th to August 27. It was considered by the ancients to be the hottest period of the year. They reckoned the commencement from the heliacal rising of Sirius (the Dog Star). Hesiod placed the ending of the period at 50 days after the Summer solstice. Mars, the planet associated with heat, conjoined Sirius during the serious drought and hot spell of mid-July 1937. Dog Stars. Sirius and Procyon. v. Stars. Domal Dignity. Said of a planet when it tenants its own Sign (v. Rulers.) A planet so placed was described by the ancients as 'domiciliated'. Dominical Letter. Literally, the "Sunday" letter. To connect a week day with a day of the year, January 1 is A; 2, B; 3, C; 4, D; 5, E; 6, F; 7, G. Thus 8 becomes A, and so on. However, if one says that the Dominical letter is C then January 1 of that year will fall upon Friday. Its chief use is in connection with an involved system for determining the date upon which will fall the "movable feast" known as Easter, around which the Ecclesiastical calendar is arranged. The letters of successive years rotate in the reverse order: on Leap year the preceding letter applies only to January and February dates, the next preceding letter applying to the remainder of the year. For example, 1929, F; 1930, E; 1931, D; 1932, January-February, C; March-December, B; 1933, A; 1934, G; and so on. Doryphory. A Ptolemaic term describing a planet which serves as a sort of bodyguard or John the Baptist to the Sun, rising shortly before it - either in the same or the contiguous Sign. The doryphory of the Moon similarly rises after it. The best meaning of the word is spearbearer. Double-bodied or Bicorporeal Signs. Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces; and by some authorities, Virgo (v. Signs). So called because their symbols represent two Figures: Gemini, the Twins; Sagittarius, half-man, half-animal; and Pisces, the two fishes. They are presumed to signify a dual nature. On the cusp of the Seventh House it suggests the possibility of more than one marriage; on the cusp of the Fifth, the possibility of twin offspring. Dragon's Head. Dragon's Tail. v. Moon's Nodes. Dumb Signs. Mute Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, v. Signs. One of them on the Ascendant and Mercury afflicted, or Mercury aspected by a malefic posited in one of them, is cited as the possible cause of a speech impediment. Duration of Life. v. Hyleg. Dwa-da-shamsa. v. Signs, Subdivisions of. Dysis. The western angle or point of setting. v. Houses. Top of Page